Depression Therapy in Phoenix

What is Depression?

You go to bed hoping the next day things will be better, that you’ll feel more hopeful, more motivated, and finally be able to make the changes that you know will help you feel better.  However, the cycle repeats itself…you feel fatigued, unmotivated, and not able to do simple things that would help lift some of the pain, sadness, depression.

There is hope. You are not alone.

With therapy, you can break that cycle and get the help they need to overcome depression.

The Signs of Depression

Occasional sadness is normal and expected, given that we will experience pain in our lives. It’s often temporary and circumstantial. The signs of depression are not always clear or obvious to identify and may present differently in each person. Furthermore, symptoms may manifest differently depending on the root cause of the disorder.

Some may experience sadness, insomnia, hopelessness, appetite changes, difficulty with concentration or making decisions. Others may feel irritable, want to be left alone, experience a sense of worthlessness (1).

Depression, even the most severe cases, can be treated. The earlier that treatment can begin, the more effective it is.

National Institute of Mental Health

It may not be apparent to others that you are struggling because you may be quietly dealing with these symptoms, but you know how overwhelming and trapped you feel every moment. You may even start self-medicating with alcohol, drugs, overeating, restricting food.  

The Harmful Effects of Depression

The harmful effects of depression can manifest differently in every person, as each struggle with depression is individual to your inner world, emotions, and thoughts.

You may become openly self-deprecating, or you may plaster on a smile and pretend nothing is wrong. Some people lose interest in their hobbies and become apathetic, while others may seem more likely to tip into a manic or anxious spiral.

Depression is insidious, convincing you to stay quiet about your struggles, that you deserve to feel what you do, or that there’s no reason to ask for help. You may even feel disbelief, in denial of the symptoms, as you worry that the label will carry a stigma with your peers.

The most harmful effect of depression is that it prevents you from seeking professional help when you need it most. You may not even realize you need help until the symptoms progress. 

How to Fight Back Against Depression

When depression becomes severe or chronic, it can begin to affect how you feel on a regular basis, how well you can tolerate stress, how you interact with those around you, and how you are functioning overall. 

You can fight back against depression by taking the necessary steps to treat the disorder properly.

The first step to getting help for depression is recognizing the signs and symptoms of depression and considering that you might be depressed.

Once you recognize this possibility, it’s important to seek professional help. It can sound like a frightening step, but it is the best way to get treatment and discuss your options. The sooner you seek help, the easier the road to recovery will become.

At Building Resiliency Counseling, there is no stigma, no shame. Depression is a very real and potentially debilitating disorder that has a wide variety of causes and therapy options.

By seeking professional help, you are seeking the experience and expertise of a specialist so that you can work together to find the therapeutic options that are best for you. Call (480)463-4015 or book a consult to get more information on how counseling in Phoenix can help you can fight back against depression.

Which Form of Therapy is Most Effective for Major Depression?

Many forms of therapy are effective for major depression and with your therapist, you will be able to identify an approach that works for you.

You may use cognitive behavioral therapy or CBT to break negative thought patterns and reframe circumstances, while EMDR therapy is helpful with resolving traumatic experiences that may be the source of the depression. Mindfulness will be helpful with decreasing ruminating on the past and no longer replaying upsetting events but instead focusing on the present moment. Dialectical behavioral therapy or DBT can teach you skills to become more accepting of situations and to better cope with distress.

Working with your therapist, you’ll learn how to become a more confident and capable version of yourself, learning more about the causes of your depression and how you can reclaim your life.


When to Seek a Depression Therapist in Phoenix

Depression can be difficult to recognize, but you should never wait to seek help. The sooner you seek help, the sooner you will be on the road to recovery. No matter how long you have been struggling with these feelings, there is hope.

Therapy can help you better understand how depression has affected you and what you can do to reverse the toll it has taken. Therapy is an opportunity to work together with a professional to achieve a happy and fulfilling life you can be proud of.

Seeking help for depression therapy in Phoenix AZ is easy. Call (480)463-4015 today to book a consultation and see what therapy options are best for you.


Depression Therapy Phoenix AZ

At Building Resiliency Counseling, things can be different. You need someone who understands what it’s like to struggle with depression that will support you to feel like yourself again.

You will learn how to cope with depression, build mental and emotional strategies to work towards becoming the best version of yourself possible.

By finding the right depression therapy in Phoenix AZ, you can enjoy a new take on life, learning how to not live in the past but to feel more hopeful about your future. 

Call (480) 463-4015 or click below to book a consultation session and discuss your goals and therapy options.


  1. NIMH, Depression